Firstly, hello! It’s been a while. The premises move turned out to be a much bigger job than expected, it needed to be constructed for a start… Anyway, it is at least fully functional now, so it is finally time to get organised.

While moving, I realised just how much random inventory I had accumulated over the years prior to the move. Naturally, a commitment to zero waste, means you can end up with many things you do not have any immediate use for. When it is just stored somewhere, it does not cause too much of an issue. BUT, when that storage space is no longer available, it really is a nightmare.

So, I have come up with a solution (and a good one, even if I say so myself). Drumroll… ENTER: 3DTomorrow’s Zero Waste spools. An ongoing project, that will ensure discontinued stock, trials, material excess, etc. can all be put to good use. It will even give room to start re-using other filament suppliers’ surplus, e.g. spools. You can think of the project a bit like ‘Wonky Vegetables’. In other words, perfectly usable, just does not look the same as our premium range.

The point of this catch all phrase: ‘Zero Waste Spools’, is to minimise the amount of admin required to accurately depict what is for sale. However, in order to provide a reasonable accurate description of what you will actually receive, this Zero Waste project will be released in batches. Each batch, will for the most part be quite similar, so a good description can be provided. For example:

Batch 1

  • Colour: White
  • Filament Weight: 1kg
  • Filament Diameter: 1.75mm
  • Spool Type: Early Cardboard Prototypes – not suitable for roller wheel-type spool holders – recycle at home.
  • Packaging Notes: A trial, UK-made, grip seal vacuum bag. Unfortunately, these were not strong enough for vacuum sealing.
  • Material Notes: A PLA+ which was evaluated for a potential new filament range. Unfortunately, the base colour was not compatible with our existing masterbatch colourant, so would have proved too costly to release. The material is pioneered by the UK material experts Floreon, you can read more here:
  • Number of Spools in batch: 74.
Zero Waste Spools

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